Dances, Kicks, and Crunches…oh my!

After taking my Orange Theory classes, I think I finally got out of my fitness rut! While I really enjoyed Orange Theory, I just couldn’t afford to keep taking classes. You see, I’m on that college kid budget and after a few weeks $25/ class adds up! Now if I could for free, I’d be all over that! 🙂

Now I workout at the local athletic center! The family I nanny for bought me a summer pass so that I could take their kids to the pool and also go to the gym on my day off! I’m really thankful for this! The best part to me about this gym is the fitness classes they offer. There are so many, so I’ve decided to try as many as I can! Here’s a quick recap of two of the classes I’ve tried!

Yesterday, I knew exactly which class I wanted to take…ZUMBA! After taking a class my freshman year, I’ve always enjoyed getting in cardio through dance! We met in the gym because the class was big, full of young and old women and men! Now I may not have the best sense of rhythm, but this girl loves to get down! 🙂 The instructor had a huge smile on her face and she was so full of energy, I loved it! Our dances included: salsa, hip hop, merengue, reggaeton, and I’m sure much more! I may not always know what I’m doing, but I like to just keep moving around with a smile on my face (no one suspects a thing 😉 )


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The class flew by and by the end of it I was drenched in sweat. To end a great cardio session I decided to go to the 30 minute ab lab class with the same instructor! My abs are pretty sore today and I love it!

Today I went hardcore with a cardio kickboxing class! Let’s just say I kicked this workout in it’s butt (no pun intended). It was challenging, but fun! All we needed was two 2 pound weights to punch with and a 9 pound bar. This class included lots of jabs, upper cuts, crosses, and kicks! I’ve been wanting to get stronger in my upper body and I really think this workout helped do that, as well as strengthen my core! This one also left me sweaty and I know tomorrow I’ll have some sore arms and legs, but that’s when I know what I’m doing is effective!

Tomorrow, I’m hoping to get in a cycling class at 5:30 in the morning before I go nanny! So basically tomorrow will be sponsored by caffeine!

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I’ll be sure to keep you posted with how the rest of my classes go at the end of the week!

I hope your week is awesome!

Talk soon!

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